The start of another year.
First day back at work, there is still a slight trace of a cold, the occasional cough but that’s it, man this has taken some shifting, Amie is still suffering with it after three weeks!!
Also she has had a wisdom tooth out so see's not feeling 100% at all, and is feeling in need of TLC.
Our VCR finally gave up on us on Christmas day, good job there was bugger all worth watching on or I would have been really mad! Also while on the subject of electrical failures and overcoming great odds, I feel I must say that my sister is a real trooper, her oven packed in on Christmas day, she was having everyone over, she managed to cook Christmas dinner for 8 on a toaster oven!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!
anyway back to the VCR story, so we ended up going to a major electrical retailer on boxing day, first day of the sales, though that it would be sort of quite, but NO its was packed to the rafters with shoppers, and to say that it was a superstore, you would think that there would be lots of staff, but NO, there were 3 staff and at least 200 shoppers!!!
Managed to get hold of someone who actually knew what they were on about and for once actually managed to pay and get out with out being hassled into buy an extended warranty!!!
Not really any more to say at the moment, probably because nobody has wound me up yet this year, but watch this space, there is bound to be a rant or five before January is out!