New Year Again!
Well its a New Year, 2009.
Where did 2008 go???
I started out last year by saying I would blog more and as it happens last year was the worst year for blog entries ever!
I would say that this year I will put more entries on and keep everyone informed of events and so on, but as they say " the road to hell is paved with good intentions" and altho I make these promises I never actually manager to keep them.
So this year I will post more than last year (not too hard to keep!).
In my own defence I was using facebook, but this generated too much email and attention from people I didn't know, so i closed the account in December.
Social networking seems like a cool idea, but there are too many down sides and its all to easy to put too much of your personal information out there.
Anyway, here are the plans for 2009 so far.
1. loose some weight
2. get a holiday this year
3. wash the car at least once a month
4. buy a house
5. blog a lot more
6. finish off the Java programs I am developing
things planned so far
1. going to see Blueman Group
2. going to see counting Crows
So that's it for the moment, we will see how it all goes.
Happy New Year one and all.