Monday, August 10, 2009

Lots of News, well some anyway!

Yes I know Isaid that I was going to blog lots more this year and here we are in august and I have posted exactly nothing since the start of the year, but it just means that I have a stack of information to pass on to you.

Ok first of all we have finally moved out of the Flat and are now Home Owners! I was wanting to blog about this earlier in the year but as the whole process to 19 weeks I am glad I didn't as it would have been week after week of no news, but finally the other week we finally got the keys, well got the keys is not quite true as the keys went missing from the estate agents office and ended up in south wales some 260 miles away! so a more accurate description would be we finally moved out of the flat and waited for hours watching a locksmith break in to our new house and change the locks!

so anyway that is piece of information number 1. information number 2. is that Amie changed her beloved BMW for a 7 seater people carrier, it was a sensible choice as the new car (nicknamed the "L.C") made the move possible, we actually moved the contents of the flat to the new house in the back of the LC.

the LC (stands for looser cruiser) is big, green and goes like the wind, its about ten times quieter than the BMW and about twice as high off the ground, it was a practical choice and one which will come in very useful when the new addition to the family turns up any day now.

so thats all I am writing for the moment, when I manage to find the camera I will post some pictures.

