another one on the way

We went for the scan the other day and the picture is attached, I love the fact that you can see the foot really clearly.
The picture should be landscape but for some reason blogger keeps posting it portrate so turn your head to the side!
We managed to keep it a secret all over christmas again and then told everyone after the 12 week scan.
That was quite a while ago and we are due to go for the 20 week scan on 11th March, thats the one where they make all the measurements and can let you know the sex of the baby, we are going to find out, but are fairly sure that we are not going to let anyone know.
Since the last time I posted anything Jack has had a growing sprut and is now 82 cm tall (thats 32 inches in old money).
Went to the seaside a few weeks ago, he loves the sea and loves fish and chips, the attached picture is one of my favorites, hope you like it.
Its my birthday on sunday and so we are going out to eat with some friends tonight and then on sunday we are having a birthday lunch round at my moms, Maryann, Jon and the kids will be there so it should be lots of fun.
Jack loves to be in the middle of everyone and he especially like to play with his cousins, altho he does have a habit of standing infront of the TV when Harvey is playing on the playstation.
Anyway thats all for now, got to get back to work.
Will write more when I know more......Andy