Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Cheer

The cold is nearly gone, this one has taken some shifting! Amie is still suffering with it, but she is on the mend so hopefully we will both be bug free for our first married christmas!

There was a poker game on Saturday night, it being the last before christmas, everyone got dressed up, didn't make us play any better, but there was a sense of occasion about the whole thing that made it a bit different.
came away 80 pence up, so I suppose i can't complain about that.

so now the next thing to look forward to is christmas, altho I make out like I don't like christmas, I really do, I get a buzz out of spoiling people rotten, got Amie some cracking stuff this year, can't list it until after, as I know that she will be checking the site and I don't want to give away the suprise!

can't wait until I actually finish work for the holidays, gonna try and get the usual christmas eve golf game in, if i can find anyone to play with, the friend I use to play christmas golf with moved away a couple of years ago, so that tradition is fizzling out.

Christmas eve evening will be spent at my Aunt's exchanging prezzies, then its on to chirstmas day at my sisters with all the kids and associated chaos and merryment that goes with it, I CAN'T WAIT.

So Without more adue, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I've no need to panic buy this year!!!!

Helloooo all, well its been a few days since I last blogged and its been an uneventful few days at that, been laid up with the cold still, but its on its way out now, so hopefully we will be all well for christmas.

Actually managed to get my christmas shopping completed and done before christmas eve, which is a bit of a first as I usually have to run into town with the rest of the christmas lemmings and panic buy anything I can get my hands on!!!

I have been reliably informed that one of the department stores has been employing staff especially to help men choose underware for their wifes, not gonna help really as the problem is not just the fact that a woman has about a million different sizes and dimentions which make little or know sense to the average married man, but that to get to the majority of lingerie departments you have to wade past a sea of womans clothes and a load of women who look at any man who is going into a lingerie department as some sort of pervert!!!!(this may not be the thoughts in their heads but its what we think your thinking!!!)

so once in there we are faced with loads of strange looking garments, in a variaty of colours, styles and sizes.In other words the posibilities for cocking it up and making the wrong descision are multiplied .

so let say you manage to get into the store, past the women looking at you funny and then actually know what size you need to get , have decided on a style and a colour, have picked your self off the floor because BLOODY HELL, HOW CAN SOMETHING CONSISTING OF SO LITTLE COST SO MUCH!!!!, actually got to the till and paid, your then presented with a box big enough to get a set of golf clubs in, with the name of the store pasted on it so you can act as a walking billboard all the way to the car!!!! thats JUST NOT Right!!!!

The stores should work along the lines of a guy friendly ATM Manchines, in that you go with a photograph of your wife, girlfriend or whoever, post it into the machine, type in how much you would like to spend, feed in the credit card and bingo a small box big enough to go in your pocket pops out along with the photo and your credit card.

If anyone knows how to make such a machine please let me know and we can go halfs, IT WILL MAKE A MILLION.

Happy Panic buying Folks!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Shopping Mission or Madness

Well I still have the cold, I am amazed at how much a nose can run!! got through a box of Kleenex, and a toilet role and its still running!
Anyway this blog isn't about running noses.

I decided to go into town yesterday to make a start (and hopefully a finish) on my christmas shopping.

Its amazing the contrasts you see when out at this time of year, you get the happiness of the buskers in the street giving you that christmas lift, then by total contrast you can stray into the food hall of marks and spencers and whitness what I can only consider the pit of hades!!
I am telling you, that place combined with the small shopping trollys and the people panic shopping brings out the worst in everyone. I swear, the women who shop in this place will kill their own!!
You would think that their life depended on it!!

Anyway marry christmas to the fur clad woman who shouted at me to get out of the way of the goose liver pate and a happy new year to the many people who let me stand and hold the door open for them for 10 minutes without saying thank you.

anyway I managed to get Amie almost everything I was looking for, so mission complete, next year its internet shopping ONLY!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Day time TV!

Well its friday and guess what, the cold is just the same, streaming nose, thumping head, feel like death ticking over!

So instead of going christmas shopping I'm sat loosing IQ Points watching Day Time TV!!

Is it me or are there a lot of emotionally disturbed people out there who feel the need to get on TV!!

Was flicking through and came across a chat show where some woman was telling everyone that she was sleeping with her husbands sister!!

Put the pennies on my eyes coz i don't believe what I'm seeing!!!!! if this is what passes as entertainment these days, stop the planet I want to get off!!!!

have a good day people and pass the painkillers!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What is this all about!

I suppose that thats the question most people ask once they start down this path.

for me I find that working in an empty office with only myself to talk too means that i need to vent and use my 1000 words a day some how and here is where I plan to do it!!

Thats not to say that these words will be worth reading, but they will be pushed out there for you to have a look.

then togeather we will see what this is all about!