Monday, September 25, 2006

The Little Equestrian

Thought I would post some more news and pictures for everyone, these are pictures I took at the weekend of my niece.

I have heard over the past year or so that she is becoming quite accomplished at horse riding, and also going over the jumps, so when we heard that she would be riding on saturday I had to go and see for myself.

And I must say that without a doubt she is superb on a horse!!
so confident and at home it was so hard to believe that she is only 8!

I took my Nikon F4s camera with the 400mm lens so that i could take this picture from a long way off so as not to put her off, but as it turned out she was so focused on what she was doing I would be supprised if she even noticed.

they had a compatition which seemed to be against the clock, might not have been so dont quote me on that, but she got a first in her group and a rosette to prove it.

We are all so proud!

anyway thats all I'm gonna post for now, watch this space and i'll catch ya all later ..... Andy

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

More Chicken Pictures

Well since I posted the chicken pictures more people have asked if I could put some more on, who would have figured that "bald chickens" would generate so much interest!!!

anyway I have another picture so here it is!

This is just after they were taken out of the transport boxes and I guess they were not use to being in the wide open, so they decided to sit on each other!

anyway that enough about chickens for the time being, I am posting a picture of me on our recent holiday in scotland also, its me on the deck of the Royal Yatch Britannia, not so much of a Yatch, more like a great big ocean going ship, but it was most impressive!

Never knew that there were so many people stationed on board, if memory serves about 200!

As you will no doubt be able to tell, it was belting it down when we were there, but this didn't detract from the fact that is a fantastic tourist attraction, and if your in Edinburgh I recommend giving it a once over.

I discovered another thing while we were doing the tour, FRENCH PEOPLE NEVER STOP TALKING!!!!!!!

When you start the tour you get given an electronic guide which talks whichever language you speak and as you go around the ship you get a running commentory on whichever room your in, there is avolume control so that you can have it at the correct volume and away you go.

BUT NOT IF YOUR FRENCH, you turn the volume up to full blast and wave the guide around your head and shout in french to the person stood at the other side of the ship so that nobody can hear their own guide talking, must be a french thing......go figure!

anyway here is the picture of me on the deck, enjoy and ill write more soon.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bald Chickens

Well as per usual its been some time since I blogged anything, so I guess any loyal readers have long since surfed away! but just incase there are any readers out there, here is the latest.

My sister has always had a thing for animals, she has had cats, dogs, hamsters etc. etc. but now that she is living in the countryside she has now got chickens!

She has been talking about getting hens for some time and that she quite liked the idea of getting some that were previously battery hens, and to this end she has now got 6 battery hens and 3 (for want of a better word) Normal hens.

this picture show the normal ones, nice and brown and actually just like normal hens.

I was not sure what to expect from ex-battery hens, and was totally shocked when they turned out to have little or no feathers and what the did have were white an well missing all the things that make feathers look like feathers!!

here is a picture of them getting use to their surroundings, after being in a shed all their lives it must take a lot of getting use to!

I think that they are calling the one at the front "Oven Ready"!

I understand that they will grow their feathers back after a while so it won't look like the "barn yard of the damned " forever.

Anyway i'll post more stuff soon, thanks for looking

Andy :-)