Bald Chickens

Well as per usual its been some time since I blogged anything, so I guess any loyal readers have long since surfed away! but just incase there are any readers out there, here is the latest.
My sister has always had a thing for animals, she has had cats, dogs, hamsters etc. etc. but now that she is living in the countryside she has now got chickens!
She has been talking about getting hens for some time and that she quite liked the idea of getting some that were previously battery hens, and to this end she has now got 6 battery hens and 3 (for want of a better word) Normal hens.
this picture show the normal ones, nice and brown and actually just like normal hens.
I was not sure what to expect from ex-battery hens, and was totally shocked when they turned out to have little or no feathers and what the did have were white an well missing all the things that make feathers look like feathers!!
here is a picture of them getting use to their surroundings, after being in a shed all their lives it must take a lot of getting use to!
I think that they are calling the one at the front "Oven Ready"!
I understand that they will grow their feathers back after a while so it won't look like the "barn yard of the damned " forever.
Anyway i'll post more stuff soon, thanks for looking
Andy :-)
I know the feeling
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