Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Mind Boggles


You would think that electrical appliances would have a functional life somewhere in proportion to the amount of money you spend on them, but NO, the average appliance has a working life of 5 years, after that its on borrowed time!

Its true what they say, "they don't make em like they use to ya know"

My mother had a color tv, it was a toshiba i think and she owned it for over twenty years, infact the only reason she threw it out was because the on/off switch wore out and we couldn't get a replacement, i bypassed it and she used it for a while.

I remember calling the tv repair center trying to get a new switch and was told that the switch and the set had been discontinued 18 years ago and "buy an new set buddy, don't be so tight!"

Anyway back to our blown up tv set, Amie and I went to try and buy a TV, notice I put TRY in there, its near impossible to just walk into an electrical store and buy a TV these days, every set was not in stock and there was a 20 - 30 days lead time on almost all of the ones that looked any good!

anyway we found one set that had a sign on it saying " buy it today and take it away", it was one of the ones we were after, so we eventually managed to find an assistant who would actually sell us something (they never make eye contact and avoid your gaze).

the assistant took our money, and then got a spotty kid to go and get the set for us.

20 minutes later the set appeared and instead of the one we wanted they had brough down the larger model.
COOL BIGGER TV i thought, but no they had screwed up there stock system and this was not the set for us, infact the set we had purchased was on a 10-14 working days lead time, someone had forgotten to take the sign down from the day before!!!

So no TV for us, did the store (that sounds like a type or indian food BTW) offer to sell use the display model or the other set or offer us a refund, or offer to get us one from another store or offer us a different model or anything.........................NO THEY DIDN'T, they gave us a note to come back in when they get a delivery and pick one up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a word to the wise, if you are going to buy from this national chain of highstreet electrical retailers, make sure that they have the product before they take your cash because customer service is very very very low on their list of priorities.

Anyway we ordered a better set cheaper off the internet, and thus far the service is far better, they have called twice to confirm our order and delivery will be on a saturday.

Watch this space to see if all goes well!!


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