Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day email!

It has been quite some time since I put pen to paper and actually blogged, I guess that the more you blog the greater the chance that someone will actually read it!
So i'm probably typing to myself!!

anyway its Valentine Day, and my day started much the same as any other day, overslept and got into work a little bit late!

But the big difference today is that the company I work for decided to do a Valentines Promotion by email that was set to email out at midnight, so that (in the words of the MD) in the morning all our customers would have a valentines gift in their inbox.

Nice idea!!......NOT!!!!

the mail shot got stuck in a loop and mailed out the message (a large image file) a couple of hundred times to every one on the top half of the list!!!!

so the "Valentines Day Gift" to all our customers is JAMMED UP EMAIL SYSTEMS FOR THE DAY!!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day Folks!!!

Promise to rant some more in the near future people!!!


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