Bonfire Night

"Remember Remember the fifth of November!!"
Strange thing to remember! like any festival the meaning seems to have gotten lost and the whole thing takes on a different meaning.
the whole line is " Remember Remember the fifth of November Gunpowder treason and Plot, I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot."
Although it appears to have been, and seeing as the only people who were killed in the whole Gunpowder plot were the plotters, it seems to me that there is little need to remember it......
Bonfire night is now a time for responsible adults to blow up 15 square feet of their own back yards and singe hair and set fire to things, which I must admit me and my brother-in-law quite enjoy........guess its a guy thing.

anyway seeing as we have only a square of concrete for a back yard we went over to my sisters to blowup their garden with a selection of rockets and firecrackers.
The rockets were very good, the firecrackers all seem to be exactly the same. I remember when I was small that there were a lot more colors and sounds compared to the modern fireworks.
We all sat in the front yard and Jon disappeared off into the gloom and started letting off the fireworks three at a time , Elliot sat on his grannies lap with his hands over his ears the whole time, Binnie hid in the house and didn't come out at all, this appears to be the normal thing for her as I think she doesn't like fireworks.
Harvey seemed to take it all in his stride and enjoyed the whole thing.
I tried to get some pictures of the fireworks on my digital camera and failed hopelessly as they all came out as big white blobs, with the exception of the two pictures included on this page.
As we were letting the fireworks off, two thoughts went throught my mind, one was when the rockets went off and that was " I hope that doesn't hit the car when whatever is left comes back down" and t

I guess that it is near impossible to get your money back on a disappointing rocket!! Anyway hereare the only pictures I managed to get of one of the rockets exploding, and its not that bad!
Digital is OK for ease of posting on the web, but FILM STILL ROCKS!!!!
Keep watching this space....... Andy
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