Birthdays and Cake

Saturday was my nephew Elliot's birthday and he was 6, so on sunday as is the custom my mother had a birthday party and as Elliot was the Birthday Boy he got to choose whatever he wanted to eat, he first chose "Fish'n'Chips" but as the chip shop is not open on a sunday choice number 2 was pizza.
He is at that age all small boys go through of being into dinosaurs so there were monsters on the cake as well as candles.
we all sang happy birthday and then the long saga of blowing out the candles began, because as usual a few of them were the joke kind that you cant blow out!
so after a while they were dumped in the sink and the cake eating began.

Now i like cake, i mean i really like cake, but i now know that there is a new cake eating champion in the making and he is after the cake eating crown, thats my other nephew Harvey, he has the makings of a champion, determination, concentration and a focus to get the job done no matter what you look like in the end!!
At this point I would like to consider something and really I am asking, when i was a child, i don't remember SUGAR having such a mood changing effect!!
Are they adding new stuff into sugar to turn kids into hyper active terrors? has there been some change in the human geneome that has made the under 10's particularly receptive to sugar or has this alway been the case and nobody noticed because everyone was wired on soda!!!!!!
Think I must have become imune to the effects because after a large meal I just want to sit and digest, but the kids wanted to run, shout and bounce about!!!
Anyway , thats all for now, keep watching
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